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Ebook – The ladybird who lost three spots


In a beautiful spring morning, a ladybug wakes up to the first rays of the sun on a rose leaf that blooms at the entrance of the house. He enjoys the view of the garden full of flowering plants, savors the scent of roses and indulges in the first rays of the sun.

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It is a picturesque and lovely children’s book that describes a ladybug who has lost three dots and tirelessly searches for them in her garden. While searching, he sees the girl’s freckles, which he is very happy about. The story wants to draw attention to the fact that we have to accept changes as a part of life. Namely, these changes always make someone else happy, and enrich us with new experiences.

The author. Tadeja Pirnat Battelli

Multa Verba Books

Illustrations: Nejka Selešnik

Design: Mia Sivec

Release year: 2022
